Witchy Bites: once bitten, twice witch

Ep 25: Wassailing

Season 2021 Episode 25

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Turns out Hanny and Liz have no trouble taking over 3 hours about witchcraft! So we've decided to split the recording into two parts. This month has Liz's topic of Wassailing and Hanny will talk about Traditional Witchcraft in September.

Augustine, J., 2021. Huon Valley’s Mid-Winter Festival makes epic return. The Mercury Newspaper, 15 July. 

Burgess, G., 2019. Huon Valley Mid-Winter Festival salute to the apple lives on through pagan festival. ABC Radio Hobart, 11 July. 

Eat Sleep Live Herefordshire, 2021. The Apple Tree Man. [Online]
 Available at: https://www.eatsleepliveherefordshire.co.uk/the-apple-tree-man/
[Accessed 30 7 2021].

Marchant, A., 2019. 'Three cheers to the old apple tree!': Wassailing and the affective performances of Heritage. Parergon, November, 36(1), pp. 141-162.

Palmer, K. & Patten, R. W., 1971. Some notes of wassailing and ashen faggots in South and Weste Somerset. Folklore, 82(4), pp. 281-291.

The Brisbaine Courier, 1876. Article. The Brisbane Courier, 23 December, p. 4.

The Uralla Times, 1932. Witchcraft still exists to-day. The Uralla Times, 7 March, p. 2.

Wigley, E., 2019. Wassail! Reinveting 'tradition' in contemporary wassailing customs in southern England. Cultural Geographies, 26(3), pp. 379-393.

Wikipedia, n.d. Wassailing. [Online]
 Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wassailing
[Accessed 31 July 2021].

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