Witchy Bites: once bitten, twice witch
Witchy Bites: once bitten, twice witch
Ep 27: House Blessings & Sustainability of Sandalwood
Hi Everyone,
This month Liz and Hanny are (eeep a week late!), but we are celebrating our 2nd anniversary! It's been two years since we started the podcast. This month Hannah goes first discussing ideas for house blessings and cleansings. Liz explores the sustainability of a popular witchy product - sandalwood. Particularly focusing on two main Australian exports. In the podcast we mention Dr Mitchell, but that's the ABC journalists' name. Please see Dr McLellan for the scientific study.
Hannah's References:
Liz's References
Giffin and Row, 2021. The miracles of Australian sandalwood. [Online]
Available at: https://www.griffinandrow.com/our-ingredients/australian-sandalwood/
ISO, 2015. Introduction to ISO 14001:2015. [Online]
Available at: https://www.iso.org/files/live/sites/isoorg/files/store/en/PUB100371.pdf
McLellan, R. C., Dixon, K. & Watson, D. M., 2021. Prolific or precarious: a review of the status of Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum [R.Br.] A.DC., Santlaceae). The Rageland Journal. https://www.publish.csiro.au/RJ/fulltext/RJ21017
Mitchell, S., 2021. Native sandalwood extinction fears sparks push for plantation farming. ABC Mid West & Wheatbelt, 7 October. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-07/sandalwood-plantation-push-allays-fears-of-extinction/100518578
Noogar Land Enterprise, 2021. Sandlawood. [Online]
Available at: https://www.noongarlandenterprise.com.au/sandalwood
Pullaiah, T. & Das Chandra, S., 2021. History of Sandalwood. In: T. Pullaiah, ed. Sandalwood:silverculture, conservation and applications. https://www.springer.com/la/book/9789811607790
Pullaiah, T. K. S., 2021. Botany of Sandalwood (Santalum album L.). In: T. Pullaiah, ed. Sandalwood: silverculture, conservations and applications. https://www.springer.com/la/book/9789811607790
Quintis, 2021. Australian salandalwood. [Online]
Available at: http://quintus.com.au/knowledge-centre/sandalwood/australian-sandalwood
Sandalwoodshop.com.au, 2021. [Online].
Warndu, 2021. Warndy's Sandalwood nut. [Online]
Available at: https://warndu.com/blogs/aboriginal-bush-tucker-ingredients/warndus-sandalwood-nut
Western Australia Government, 2021. Western Australian Sandalwood. [Online]
Available at: https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/forest-products-
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